~ E.L. Doctorow
So often, the story we're writing is wiser than we are. So often, our creativity begins when we abandon control and just let the story direct us.
As we move forward, writing the word or sentence we know, the next will always appear...if we're open to it. If we have our eyes on the road and our headlights on, if we're prepared to trust in the unknown that lies just beyond the reach of our vision, that unknown will become illuminated...and known.

Ironically, that's the same journey I travelled in writing The MoonQuest. Some days Doctorow's headlights showed me the next scene. Some days, they showed me only the next sentence. Some days, only the next word.
But as I surrendered to the journey -- and to the voice of my Muse -- the story unfolded, magnificently, and in ways I could never have predicted, plotted or imagined.
As I write in The Voice of the Muse: Answering the Call to Write: "All I can do -- all we can ever do, in writing as in life -- is trust in the story. It has never let me down before. Truly, the story knows best."
• How much control do you cling to in your stories? In your life?
• Where you can let go some of that control and trust that the story -- the one you're writing and the one you're living -- knows best?
• Where in your creative journey can you more fully trust that the headlights illuminating your way will carry you to your destination?
Photo credits: Headlights by Peter Roome; E.L. Doctorow by Mark Sobczak, via Wikipedia