The key difference between today's excerpt and all the others that I have posted is that the book is now not only finished but published. Nearly three years to the day since I reluctantly penned the first word of the first draft of a still-untitled memoir, Acts of Surrender is in book form and ready to be read.
Why did I feel the need to release it so quickly, and why in ebook form? Read on...and I'll tell you.
(Acts of Surrender: A Writer's Memoir is available for Kindle, Kobo, Nook and iBooks and is readable on a dedicated e-reader, using a free app for your tablet or smartphone, or using a free app or web reader for your desktop or laptop.)
The Next Surrender
But my life until now has been compartmentalized. Through the decades of my journey, I have lived very distinct lives as I have traveled from Marky to Mark to David to Akhneton/Aq’naton to Mark David and as I have redefined my sexuality, my spirituality, my sense of self, my work and most things about me — multiple times. Few of you have known me through even half those changes, and the parts of me that still fear judgment wonder how the rest of you will respond to the mosaic that is me.
Until the moment before this one, I have been feeling safe, despite my stress. With no publisher and no resources to produce the book myself, all I can do is finish it, show it to a few friends for feedback and file it away. Its day will come. That day, clearly, is not today.
Then, a voice — once again, the voice of my Muse. Today, it’s seductively indirect, recognizing that the blunt tone it has employed in the past would only feed my fear, not usher me past it.
What about all those Acts of Surrender excerpts you’ve posted — on your website, on Facebook and elsewhere? Won’t all that promotional investment be wasted if you shelve the manuscript?
I say nothing.
I’m approaching the corner of Paseo del Norte and Unser, four minutes from my front door, and I am not responding as my Muse had hoped I would. A delay is required. When I reach the intersection, a police cruiser blocks the way, forcing a ten-minute, bumper-to-bumper detour. As I crawl through traffic on a street that is never anything but free-flowing, a flash of Muse-inspired insight strikes.
I could produce Acts of Surrender as an ebook. It wouldn’t be as perfect as I might prefer, but—

If I were to choose an archetype to describe my life’s journey, it would be The Fool, a Tarot character often pictured stepping off a cliff into the unknown. His may be a leap of faith, but it’s never blind faith. For he knows that even as he trades the certainty of solid ground for the mysteries of the void, the infinite wisdom of his infinite mind will guide him forward. This knowingness frees him to surrender again and again. And again. Not without resistance and not without fear, but in the conviction that resistance is futile, fear cannot stop him and meaning is always present, even when it is invisible.

As I pull into my driveway I realize that if Toshar could not move forward until he had written his story, I cannot move forward either, as the Fool that I am, until I make mine public. And so I make the commitment — to this next leap of faith, to this next surrender.
There will be more acts of surrender after this one. There always are. Each one will push me harder than the last. Each one will nudge me closer to my essential truth. Each one will require a greater leap of faith. And through each, I will continue to trust in the story. Whether it’s the story I’m writing or the story I’m living, it always knows best.
Excerpt from Acts of Surrender: A Writer's Memoir
(c) 2012 Mark David Gerson
Read Acts of Surrender on your dedicated e-reader, using a free app for your smartphone or tablet or using a free app or web reader for your computer. Download it from any of these sites:
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